čtvrtek 21. prosince 2017

Texty Rotace Rotace :D

Pro ty, kterým se líbí naše texty,
Vaši Kryšot, Eliška, Kozel, Rasťa, Anet, Tom, Dan, Áďa, Ondra ;)

Svaz z jaderky bohémů 

Text: Divadelníci + Kryšot

Severín Pošta je krutý

Text: Jaderňáci  



Známka Jaderky

Text: Jaderňáci


Text: Áďa, Eliška a Kryšot

Fyzici přicházejí

Text: Jaderňáci

Si Pošta

Text: Kryšot, Eliška, Kozel, Rasťa, Dan, Anet

Na analýze

Text: Kozel, Eliška a Kryšot

Přejem hodně srandy! Vaše Rotace Rotace :D

čtvrtek 30. března 2017


Workcamp in Denmark – Meet the Experiences 

As I like exploring new things, to go on a summer job abroad caught my attention. By the time of Christmas I went to a presentation of a girl who had flown to America and had managed to make enough money to travel around there with her friend. I liked it however I somehow didn’t make much effort to find anything and suddenly I realized it is March and that’s quite late for arranging summer jobs abroad. Luckily my friend gave me a book called “Travelling” by Lukáš Kerhart as a birthday gift. First I was thinking: ‘Hmm, a book. But I am going to read it whether It impressed me or not.’ However, when I first opened it I couldn’t break myself away from reading it. It really is an extraordinary book that truly motivates you and finally makes you say: ‘I am going to make it happen!’ And that was exactly what I needed. 

Although I had heard about workcamps from my friend before, I hadn’t thought about them much. With what I got to know from Lukáš’s book, I said to myself: ‘If not the summer job, then the workcamp!’ It is that it doesn’t matter that much where do you go but whether you go. Especially when you go on your own and your aim is to make use of the opportunity, practise foreign languages, meet new people and maybe even create an opportunity for someone else. 

So I sat to a computer, clicked on the first workcamp that caught my attention and a flash came through my mind: ‘Wow, I definitely must do this!’ Only just the name: “Build a Social Space in a Cold War Bunker” suggested it is going to be a thrill. And it should have taken place in Denmark, where I hadn’t ever been before and it is not so expensive to get there. Even the other workcamps impressed me, nevertheless this one was, amongst the others I had looked over, really the most interesting. I applied for it, sent the motivation letter and a few days later I received an e-mail saying that they had chosen me! This is how my first adventure I experienced with people I hadn’t ever seen before started. 

As early as on the journey I met a nice Canadian girl, whose relatives were living in Denmark, who shown me around Copenhagen. So I had a pleasant experience from Denmark sooner than I got to the meeting point, to Gentofte. Much happened during the workcamp, so I will try to sum it up for you: 

Day 1: We got accommodated, looked around, we even headed to the bunker and despite the first timidity we got on very well with each other quickly. 

Day 2: We visited the “Recycling artist” Thomas Dambo at his workshop who shown us that it is possible to build a thing from anything. With him, we made for the bunker, where we put our heads together and we were creating the first plan. We decided that we bring cosy atmosphere and life to the dark room we were redesigning. 

Day 3: We split into teams, everybody could choose, what they wanted to do. At first, I joined the spray team and took care of the ceiling. This workcamp started to develop in a great way. 

Day 4: On that day I joined the team which went to get the main material: discarded old used palettes from the port and all kinds of wood you can get for free. We begun to cut all of these to single parts for the benches, tables and the stage. Some plunged into upgrading the lighting. That is what takes the place to a next level! In the evening we had an entertaining program as every day, we played games, reviewed the work and suggested what to improve and what to continue with. 

Day 5: Thomas’s last day with us also known as ‘We have to build as much as possible for you to know how to finish it.’ We were constructing a table with Thomas: he really is fast, nothing takes too much time, he is incredibly creative and he knows how to make his ideas come true easily. In the evening, and this is what I really have to praise the campleaders Katinka and Mimmi for, we played a game in which you stick papers with what you find impressive and what you think everybody is good at on their back. You wouldn’t believe, how much it pleases and motivates you when you’re reading the messages from your back! 

Days 6 and 7: Spare time! Barbecue, party and trips to Helsingør and Copenhagen. We were exploring them from the locals‘ point of view, that means: riding a bike. We got to know the Danish mentality, they are very friendly even despite the unfriendly weather. Still we enjoyed swimming in the 16 degree water in the harbour and we also went to the unchained district of Christiania. 

Days 8 to 10: Let’s continue! We painted the walls, we sewn bunches of pillows and made the decorations. During the breaks we played the guitar I had taken from the Czech Republic. Although my mum had been wondering why I would like to carry it all the way, I definitely didn’t regret that. We enjoyed the culture nights, when everybody presented their country. I desperately fell in love with Danish cinnamon snails! I couldn’t bring shame on us at all of course, so besides talking about our beautiful nature and charming girls I could not deprive my friends of a little of our beer. However, I couldn’t refrain from being a little criticizing, as I said we often complain, even though we are doing very well. 

Day 11: Everything is done and I think we had done a great job! I’d never had a feeling that we wouldn’t be able to make it and everyone was willing to help each other with anything, hence we finished on time. 

Here it is. Farewell party! Nevertheless, most of us stay in Denmark as we agreed on experiencing even more adventures here together. But that is a different story. In any case, our friendship hasn’t ended with the last moments of the workcamp. It really was great, even though I am not saying that every foreign experience will be like this one, it definitely is worth to set off to somewhere and get to know what does it look like around us. 

I am travelling back to our Czech Republic and I join a conversation of two girls, and who would say so: It’s Canadians again! And where are they heading? To Prague, that can’t be true! So now it’s me who may help someone else to discover a foreign country… 

Shot Synek